Bring your joy in learning back to life!

Whether you require short term intensive preparation for an exam or longterm tutoring for more confidence in school, I am here to guide you.

I offer tutoring in English for you or your child in maths, chemistry, physics or biology for all school types and all years. Also I can teach you German for scientists. Classes will take place at my place, your home or online whichever you prefer, also depending on your location.

More about my tutoring philosphy (in German) - Terms and Conditions (in German)



Classes complementing your studies in school. We will find answers to your questions and brush up as well as deepen your knowledge.

More info here!

Scientific German

Classes to sort out that technical German jargon specific to your field.

More info here!

Recent blog posts

In my blog I write about learning, the subjects I teach, about selfcare and my general view on the world around me.

Photo of a pair of muddy boots in the entrance to a tent. There is a can of beer in one bootand a botle of water in the other.

12 Short Stories - "boots"

Short story as part of the deadlinesforwriters challenge: For this one middle aged woman…
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Photo of a pair of running shoes
How can I live in the moment and at the same time make sustainable plans and set long-term…
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