General tutoring

I hope the following will answer all the questions you could have about classes for you or your child. Feel free to contact me, if there is anyhting else you would like to know.


What will classes at my place be like?

If you decide to take classes with me, we can choose from my collection of exercises and other teaching materials. It would be good if you brought whatever books and materials you use in school. Upon your arrival we will first discuss which topics are the most urgent and which questions you need answers to. Should any other underlying problems or knowledge gaps become apparent during class, we will take the time and freedom to solve those first and then build on from there. Finally, we will summarise what you have learned or refreshed and plan ahead for the coming week.

Depending on your wishes and the situation we will

  • answer questions that could not be discussed in enough depth at school
  • work on any problems you might have understanding the current topic
  • fil in gaps in your knowledge
  • tie together strategies, methods and information you have previously learned in scholl to transform them into a useful package
  • prepare you for upcomings exams and quizzes
  • do everything you need to be a happier and more confident learner

There is parking space in front of my house. In addition you can take the bus no 185. The stop you need is "Heidkampstwiete"

I will come to your place if you prefer and if you live in an area of about 10km around Halstenbek. This means you can study in your own familiar surroundings and will always have all your materials on hand. I will also bring additional books and exercises if needed. We will beging by discussing which topics are the most urgent and which questions you need answers to. Should any other underlying problems or knowledge gaps become apparent during class, we will take the time and freedom to solve those first and then build on from there. Finally, we will summarise what you have learned or refreshed and plan ahead for the coming week.

Depending on your wishes and the situation we will

  • answer questions that could not be discussed in enough depth at school
  • work on any problems you might have understanding the current topic
  • fil in gaps in your knowledge
  • tie together strategies, methods and information you have previously learned in scholl to transform them into a useful package
  • prepare you for upcomings exams and quizzes
  • do everything you need to be a happier and more confident learner

I use the platform Jitsi. You do not require any login or account for this, just an internet borwser and a working microphone. The use of a camera is optional.

I will send you a link that you click on to enter the chatroom. If you have any homework or assignsments that you know you will want to go through, you can email it to me as a pdf  or another electronic document. Otherwise we can choose from my collection of exercises. Should any other underlying problems or knowledge gaps become apparent during class, we will take the time and freedom to solve those first and then build on from there. Usually, I will share my screen with you and takes notes. After the lesseon I will convert these into a PDF and send it to you for future reference.

Depending on your wishes and the situation we will

  • answer questions that could not be discussed in enough depth at school
  • work on any problems you might have understanding the current topic
  • fil in gaps in your knowledge
  • tie together strategies, methods and information you have previously learned in scholl to transform them into a useful package
  • prepare you for upcomings exams and quizzes
  • do everything you need to be a happier and more confident learner

There is an aifilter in my teaching room for our mutual safety. This way you do not have to bring a mask to class. For classes at your place I will bring a mask. It is up to you if you want to wear one too or not.

No, I do not believe in making contracts to run for a fixed number of months. You are free to terminate your contract upon written notice at any time. In my experience a basis of long-term mutual trust is more likely to grow from having flexibility. For example if your goal is to prepare for an special exam you will not need a contract for the next six months weighing you down. The new way you will feel about yourselv and about learning wil be much more solid than a written commitment that does not fit your needs.

Depending on my schedule, we can freely modify the teaching location (my place, yuor place or online) from one clas to the next. One obstacle could be a lack of time on my side to fit the journey to your home into my timetable. At the end of the month I will write up your invoice according to where each class took place.

Mit den meisten meiner Schüler:innen bearbeite ich durchgehend ein einziges Fach. Es ist allerdings immer möglich, bei Bedarf auf eins meiner anderen Fächer zu wechseln, auch spontan. Wenn wir zum Beispiel normalerweise gemeinsam Mathematik machen, bei Dir aber für die nächste Englischarbeit große Fragezeichen aufgetaucht sind, ist das überhaupt kein Problem.

Ideally, you should bring everything that you would also use for classes in school. This way we can retrace your way difficults assignments you might not have fully understood. On the other hand I have a collection of books and exercises that we can use to further extend your knowledge concerning the topic at hand.

Currently, I only teach 1:1 lessons so I can really focus on you and your learning process. If you would like to have lessons together with others from your class we could try and find a time slot that is doable for everyone concerned.

Prices for 60 minutes of tutoring

at my place


  • 1:1 lessons
  • preparation and revision of school lessons
  • flexible choice of subject (maths, physics, chemistry, biology)
Contact me
at your place


  • 1:1 lessons
  • preparation and revision of school lessons
  • relaxed learning in familiar surroundings
  • flexible choice of subject (maths, physics, chemistry, biology)
Contact me


  • 1:1 lessons
  • preparation and revision of school lessons
  • all results noted are made available after each lesson as a PDF
  • flexible choice of subject (maths, physics, chemistry, biology)
Contact me

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